Sunday 24 August 2008

Connecting the Dotted Lines.

Time I wish there were more than 24hours to a day. It does seem as though there's only so much time in ones hands to do all that is desired. Its even more apparent now that I've touched the big 40. (as an elf put it..generation hoo hoo). Besides the every day routine of eat, sleep, and work, I make it a point to make time for home and family while cramping in some music and precious moments with Kyra at the pool. Well, I suppose that's me...always chasing time.
Nothing much to blog about and decided to post several photos that represents one of the reasons for my new found passion to capture life through the lens a G9 of course. (another reason for me to look for more time) They all have a connection, one that has help me accept my ascending age while continuing to remain passionate about life.
...Bis Vivit Qui Bene Vivit...

To none I wish ill but to all I wish Peace and Love.

1 comment:

mitch said...

reallu charming pieces of nuggets in prose and photos that encapsulate our life. love it!
proud of you..
: )