Wednesday 30 July 2008

The Folly of Man....

We, are perhaps, the most egnimatic of God's ceatures and a paradox unto ourselves. As beings that are said to have been created in God's image and a reflection of His attributes, then we fall far short from godliness.

What a paradox we are...beings that are capable of the most sublime beauty and emotions of love yet at the same time capable of the most horrendous nightmare and irrational destruction. We persist to cling to the notion that we superior beings endowed with the ability to reason, beings who are immortals and equal to divinity.

Of all of God's creatures, we are, perhaps the only ones that kill and copulate for the simple pleasure of it. The 20th Century alone is testament to our grotesque insanity. How do we explain the millions of lives lost in two World wars? How do we justify the Holocoust, Nanking, Cambodia, Rwanda, Kosovo and more recently Afghanistan?

Not contend with the act of murder against our own kind, we have also plundered, violated and raped the very place we call home, a home that is shared by countless millions of God's other creation.

We may have explored the ocean's dephts and conquered the heavens above yet we have failed to conquer our very selves. Such a paradox....a being whose lives are just a fleeting moment in eternity. If we could just see God in everything and within, then just maybe we can truly call ourselves one of His special creatures.

To none I wish ill but to all I wish peace and love.....

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