Sunday, 3 August 2008

A White Stone or Black Stone Day....

Thank God for small wonders. Had a hard time trying to upload photos taken during the state's World Heritage Day celebrations including accessing Yahoo. Guess now I know why my much younger collegues (who are light years ahead of and old fart like me with regard to computers, blogging and the world of cyberspace) term streamyx..snailmyx instead. So much for the hallabaloo over out country's broadband capabilities compared the more advanced countries in the region.
Just some food for thought. If I am not mistaken, the Greeks had a unique way of recording the level of happiness and contentment of a person's day. Each home kept a large jar which was filled with either a white stone or black one. The white stone represented a good day while a black stone, a bad one. At the end of each day, an appropriate stone was dropped into the jar, depending on whether it was a good day or otherwise. At the year's end, the jar would be emptied and the person would separate the stones and count them to determine if he or she had a relatively good year or a bad one. Neat ya....a personal happiometer.

It was certaintly a white stone day for me, being a lazy Sunday. Finished the household chores which I set out to do. (vacuuming, mopping and of course washing the layers of dust, grim and bird pooh off my trusted 13 year-old Proton). Even managed to take my on and only handfull of a daugther (five this coming August 15) for a good dip in the pool.

Though the sun has set, there still some time left for my own quiet time with my guitar. Just me and my music (going try some James Taylor and see what Pintukopak thinks and whether it will be pirated)

Definitely a white stone day for me...hope it was for others too.

To none I wish ill but to all I wish peace and love.

1 comment:

Me said...

Hahahaha...! Try me.