Prophetic books and materials have always held a fascination for me. From biblical and other religious sources to so called modern day seers such as St. Malachi, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce and Jeanne Dixon, the epoch of the end of our civilization as we know it is one that I find most intriguing.
I suppose it stems from reading of man's past. Based on scientifc studies and data, we, so called homo sapiens, really began to claw our way out of darkness to the light of knowledge shortly after the last ice-age about 12,000 years ago. It was roughly about 7,000 years ago that we mastered the art of cultivation and farming, writing and urban living.
The Sumerians, Egyptians, Greeks, Olmecs, Chinese and Indians are amongst those that have a legacy that still reveberates through history. Yet on a geological time scale of things, we have been around a mere fraction of a second compared the age of Earth and its former creatures that once ruled it. Fancy that!
It was back in 1988/89 that I began keeping track of the happenings that were taking place around the global. This include global political evolution to gradual and almost rapid climate changes. It does seem we have almost reached critical point in our evolution with something momentous about to give way. It doesn't take a rocket scientist or Captian Obvious to tell us that.
At times, I wonder whether it is a blessing to be living generation that is likely see the coming upheavals. I suppose its like the half empty or half full glass of water, depending on which way you view it. As for me, its a question of faith and the believe that everything happens, not by random chance, but for a cosmic and divine reason.
So till that fateful day comes....I shall love and live life to its fullest with as little regret, to soak in as much beauty life has to offer as though it was the last day here on Earth. Have you hugged a loved one today or merely appreciate the simple beauty of a sunset?
............Amor vincit omnia.........
To none I wish il but to all I wish peace and love.
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