Tuesday, 26 August 2008

Things I Detest Most

Saw a child being chastised by his father yesterday and was disturbed by it.
There is nothing more detestful than bullies who oppress the weak, sadistic child abusers, those who disrespect nature, rich arrogant fools who equate material wealth with true happiness and a highly educated person without reason or conscience.

It saddens me to see;

-delight in the faces of those whom subjugate the weak,

-a child cowing and crying out in fear and pain when abused,

-those who have total disregard for the environment,

-the more fortunate living their life as though they are immortals,

- a person of knowledge living life absence of wisdom.

The only comfort I take is to believe that light and goodness will one day prevail over darkness and evil. That justice and judgement will be meted out accordingly to those based on their actions and deeds. Though I do not subscribe to things that go bump in the night, I do believe in divine retribution.

...Causarum Justia Et Misericordia...

To None I wish Ill But To All I Wish Peace and Love.

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