Saturday, 30 August 2008

A Great Ball of Lightning.

Must described the thunderstorm that occured at about 2am to 4.30am two days ago on Friday morning. It had been usually hot the several days prior to the storm and even noticed the lack of breeze during the period.

As usual, checked out my global weather site at A daily habit I have been faithfully doing over the last decade or so with regard to weather, earthquakes including solar weather. ( Then the storm hit.
There was initially intermitten flashes of lighting which could be seen from afar but not heard. This was later accompanied by strong gusts of gale like win whistling as it blew against the window panes. The rain had begun to pound with the wind producing 'lateral rain'.

I was slowly bedding down just past 2am with the florusent night lamp on. Though me eyes were closed, there was what I could best described, a 'flash' coming from the direction of the window facing west. It must have been brilliant enough to register past my eye a camare flash going off in an instant while your eyes shut.

The brief instant in time was followed by a tremendous roar and cracking sound that reverberated through the entire building where I live. (I usually count the interval between the time of the flash to the sound of thunder as a rough estimate to gauge the distance of the 'strike', i.e sounds travels appoximately 1,100 feet per second with a mile measuring 5,280 feet. Thus a count of 6 seconds from the time of the flash to the sound of the thunder would put the 'strike' roughly about a mile away or 1.6km ).
Mind you, it was have been pretty darn close and estimate of about 500 meters. Both light and sound merged without almost no time elapse. I thought I may have been imagining things but swore I actually felr the shockwave of the strike passing through my entire body. Pretty neat experience.

To give some rough idea....over a million volts of electricity made contact less than a kilometere where I lived. A super charged channel of enery with heat touchiong 30,000 centrigrades and travelling 60,000 miles per second, now that's awsome.

But it was not so awesome of the Hendricks brothers of Portuguese Settlement in Ujong Pasir. Their concrete two-storey home was where ground zero was. I would have surely wet my panst and thought the end of time had arrived. I could have only imagine what a 'shock' the strike must have been for the elder brother who was sleeping less than five-meters from where the lightning tore through a larger section of the tiled roof.
The bolt is believed to have struck a wall and blew a 20 centimeter hole in it before bouncing off another wall. To be enveloped in light and shocked silly by this defeaning explosion cum roar and feeling, in almost the same instant, debris from the carnage crashing on and around you. Now that's really freaky and a once in a lifetime event that most of us would not like having. But there is a God...all eight occupanst of the home, including a two month old baby, escaped injuries.
Also, spent both Saturday and Sunday, the 30th and 31st of August, doing Merdeka stories. It was an apt way to spend and celebrate Independence Day. Thought I'd post some shots of Merdeka through the eyes of my G9.

...Happy Birthday Malaysia...
To None I Wish Ill But To All I Wish Peace and Love.

Thursday, 28 August 2008

Where Have All The Flowers Gone?

Bob Dylan's song 'Where Have All the Flowers Gone' aptly described the precarious situation we have put our only home Earth and our very being in. We have passed the warning stage and must prepare to move into a stage of adaption if we are to survive the impending catastrophies brought about by rapid climate changes.

So called computer generated weather pattern models can only second guess the effects of global warming with some experts expressing surprise at the sooner that expected rate of climate change. There are also those who state that we are in or just past the tipping point with regard to global scale climate changes withing the next few decades.

See -

And that brings me to my other encounter with 'flowers' on a hill. Decided to take a short hike Bukit Cina this afternoon at about 1pm. The hill was recently added as part of the World Heritage Site buffer zone owing to its significance to the historical landscape of the ancient city. It is perhaps the largest Chinese cemetery outside mainland China with graves dating back to the Ming era. There are also several anceint Muslim graves at the foothills including the ruins 16th Century Portuguese monestary that was destroyed in an Achinese attack.

The brilliant Sun was out amidst patches of clouds against the backdrop of a rich blue sky. Didn't think much of the impending climb as was armed with my G9 and eager to take a couple of snaps. Quarter way up was when I realised that I was the only living person literally walking amongst thousands of dead. And it was erriely quiet except for the sound of rustling leaves that accompanied the occasional breeze.

It got much creepier when it dawned on me that I was hiking up the hill in August, a month considered by the Chinese in their Lunar calender as the seventh month, the 'Month of the Hungry Ghosts'. It is a Chinese belief that the spirits of the dead are allowed to roam free to feast their hunger. The month is considered a bad month and this is even reflected in the drop in business dealings, transactions including marriages amongst those from the local Chinese community.

Adding to the already rising fear factor was the unfortunate luck of stumbling accross a Chinese movie on TV3 while waiting for the late news several days earlier. I caught a couple on minutes of the show which concerned a woman and child seeminly lost on a hill surrounded by hundreds of Chinese graves. Each grave had an undead sitting pensively and was said to be spirits who had been neglected by the living members of their families.

It didn't take me long to question the wisdom of my proposed hike up the hill. Darn, some graves were pretty worn and weathered with age. If it was anything to go by the show I had seen several days earlier, there must have been hundreds of undead sitting next to their graves as I was strolling pass them on my way up the peak. From the conditions of the graves, it was clear that 'they' had been neglected for quite sometime.

If not for faith, my over active imagination coupled with images of the undead next to their graves would have surely gotten the better of me resulting in me wetting my pants. As the adage goes, '...we have nothing to fear but fear itself'. Pushing aside fear, I focused on the task at hand and continued my walk.

There was a sense of relief when I reached the top. (About 380 feet above sea level based on GPS station set by the Survey and Mapping Department). It ws worth the while and I enjoyed the view and scenery. Would have stayed longer to explore but then again, didn't want to wander to far off the platue at the peak.

It was oddly pleasant as I looked around and saw more than just graves. There was life and beauty in the hill which was surrounded with nature. The photo of some common wild flowers sums up my trip up Bukit Cina.

...Quaere Verum...

To None I I Wish Ill But To All I Wish Peace and Love.

Wednesday, 27 August 2008

In The Company of Men

It was a poignant moment today for more than one. National badminton coach Misbun Sidek was down in Malacca to recieve his Datukship and me being fortunate enough to cover the event. Though it looked like it was going to be another day on the job, it left me with more than just plain old work and deadlines.
Misbun, who is in his mid-40s, struck me as a quiet and reserved person which looked likeable. It didn't strike me till later in the evening when my wife commented that she had a crushed on him while in her younger days. It was something to do with his attitude that made him appealing to her. (My attitude doesn't have that effect on her though)
Darn, thought to myself...wasn't he the bloke with the streaky and outlandish hairdo which cartoonist Lat found worthy enough to depict? Yup, that was Datuk Misbun alright...way, way back then in the early to mid-1980s and along side him was 'us', the generation that idolised Michael Jackson, got its first taste of Mc Ds and diced their lifes on the notorious Mini Buses.
For a guy who hails from my generation and continued to persevere towards the good of badminton both as a player and coach all these years, I would say he rightly deserves and has earned his Datukship. How many of us dare say that we have remained faithful and pasionate to a cause for more than 20 years, let alone maintain a simple hobby for lesser time? For those who see it negatively or think otherwise....shame on you for clouding sensibility and gratitude with judgement based on politics, race and hate.

As for the upside down Malaysian flag protest thingy....totally diagree. Loyalty to the country and symbols representing it must be differentiated from temporal administrators governing it. Let us not forget that this blessed and be country will be around longer than 'us'. By this, I mean the nation's history, it speaks for itself.

Let's take Malacca as a starting point. It was establihsed in the 1400s as the seat of the Malay Sultanate Empire which lasted for roughly 110 odd years. Then came the Portuguese who controlled a small portion of it for 130 years followed by the Dutch whose era lasted a good 180 over years. Then it was the British who ruled a large part of the country and absorbed several other northern territories under it during 126 year of colonization.
And how old is the 'present' Malaysia going to be...51. That represents not even half the duration of those before 'us'. Let us not forget that we still have a long way ahead. However, how long the journey lasts under the present 'Malaysia' truly depends on us a whole. The further we continue to divide ourselves politically and racially as a nation, the faster the demise of 'us' and we shall merely become another page in the country's long and illustrious history.

So the flag, to me, represents the past, present and future of 'us' as a nation. To fly it upside down, no matter what the reason or motivated justification, is unnatural, against the order of nature.

I akin it to ones religious faith. One may find displeasure at those who pervert or give ones own religion a bad name, but it does not mean that I totally abandoned my faith. So by the same token, if I am unhappy about certain aspects of my congregation or church, does it mean I turn my Cross or Cruxifix upside down? Same goes for those of other one in his right mind would descrate what that is considered holy.

Just some thoughts that have been playing in my mind....Happy Merdeka and God Bless our nation and it people.

...Argumentum Ad Ignorantiam...

To None I Wish Ill But To All I Wish Peace and Love

Tuesday, 26 August 2008

Things I Detest Most

Saw a child being chastised by his father yesterday and was disturbed by it.
There is nothing more detestful than bullies who oppress the weak, sadistic child abusers, those who disrespect nature, rich arrogant fools who equate material wealth with true happiness and a highly educated person without reason or conscience.

It saddens me to see;

-delight in the faces of those whom subjugate the weak,

-a child cowing and crying out in fear and pain when abused,

-those who have total disregard for the environment,

-the more fortunate living their life as though they are immortals,

- a person of knowledge living life absence of wisdom.

The only comfort I take is to believe that light and goodness will one day prevail over darkness and evil. That justice and judgement will be meted out accordingly to those based on their actions and deeds. Though I do not subscribe to things that go bump in the night, I do believe in divine retribution.

...Causarum Justia Et Misericordia...

To None I wish Ill But To All I Wish Peace and Love.

Sunday, 24 August 2008

Connecting the Dotted Lines.

Time I wish there were more than 24hours to a day. It does seem as though there's only so much time in ones hands to do all that is desired. Its even more apparent now that I've touched the big 40. (as an elf put it..generation hoo hoo). Besides the every day routine of eat, sleep, and work, I make it a point to make time for home and family while cramping in some music and precious moments with Kyra at the pool. Well, I suppose that's me...always chasing time.
Nothing much to blog about and decided to post several photos that represents one of the reasons for my new found passion to capture life through the lens a G9 of course. (another reason for me to look for more time) They all have a connection, one that has help me accept my ascending age while continuing to remain passionate about life.
...Bis Vivit Qui Bene Vivit...

To none I wish ill but to all I wish Peace and Love.

Thursday, 21 August 2008

Bee ChasingA Bee & Busy As A Bee

It was quite a busy few days since Sunday and jaded from work. Tried juggling time for my sisters (both teachers) and their families who were down for the holidays but work got the better of me.
Prime minister Pak lah made a last minute decision at the 11th hour to tag along with his wife Jeanne for the launching of the Green Earth project. Being a former officer with the state government, it was quite hilarious but rather sympathetic to see some of my former collegues trying to added the finer touches just before Pak Lah's arrival.
Nonetheless, the Green Earth project (growing ones own edible greens at backyard garden patches) made up for any shortcomings, if any. Pak Lah and Jeanne seemed to have enjoyed touring the vegetable plots. It must have been delightful to know that there are those out there who took pride in growing their onw greens and appreciated the fruits of their labor.
Also quite an experience was taking my five-year-old kid to her first cinema show. One of my friends (Pintukopak) recommended Disney's Wall-E and even advised bring some tissues as the show had some rather touching moments. Well, it was not really an appropriate show for my kid as there was little dialogue. Pintukoipak should have suggested bringing our blankies instead as we were also freezing our butts off although coming armed with sweaters. Was hoping to shed a tear or two but that didn't happen either. (Maybe I am losing my sentimentalness after turning 40?)
The only thing touching about the show was that it only supports my notion that we, humans, will destroy Earth with both our physical and spiritual flith. It an irony that it took a bucket of bolts (Wall-E) to help preserve the sanctity of life in the form of a simple plant.
As for me, I shall go on looking for God's simple miracles in my the Apple Donuts after the show.

...Amor Animi Arbitrio Sumitur, Non Ponitur...

To none I wish ill but to all I wish peace and love.

Sunday, 17 August 2008

A Glimpse Into The Endless Wheel Of Time

Another day and another page in the book of my life. Vegetated at home and went for swim with Kyra, Dan & the boys before stuffing sefl silly at dinner. Still pooped from witnessing this morning's magnificeint eclispe owing to lack of snooze time. Still very glad that I was able to witness the event on my 40th birthday.

...To stare in wonderment, not in fear of supertious beliefs...
...But in awe of the vastness and complexity of our Universe.
...To witness a glimpse of the enternal wheel time....
...Through the majestic movements of the heavenly bodies.
...Gloria In Excelsis Deo!

.....To none I wish ill but to all I wish Peace and Love...

Saturday, 16 August 2008

What A Special Day Indeed.

At about 7.22am 40 years ago, I was granted the gift of life, a life that has been blessed with its ups and downs. To my parents, the years of nurturing, sacrifices, love and care were are gifts I am unable to repay. To my wife and child we will always be bonded by love. To Him that lives forever, my existence is to worship and praised you.

Ironic that I am witnesssing a Lunar Eclipse which happens about precisely the time I came into this world 40 years ago on 17th August 1968. It would have never occured to perhaps 99.9% of the entire Erath's population (excecpt those apt in astronomy and could have foretold or calculated its occurance in advance) could have guessed that I'll be witnessing somethingso special on my 40th birthday.
Have kept track of the moon since about 10.30pm. Cloudy skies persisted till just past midnight when the the clouds broke to reveal the moon setting from East to West in a starless night. The eclispe began on 16th August 2008 at about 18.24 UTC (Universal Time Code). The eeclipse was greatest at about 20.10 UTC the same date. Watch cool animation of events.

Grateful for the me G9 as I used it to capture the eclispe as best as I could. (Quite bad as still not fully familiar with norms of photography). Anyway, thought it cool to capture the process, although I must say that I am tired, my eyes are tired and my neck hurts.(Almost five hours process captured between 1.30m to 6.30am) Drain entire cam battery....but heck...wouldn't have missed God's birthday gift specially for me today.

To none I wish ill but to all I wish peace and love.

Friday, 15 August 2008

Tipping Point Down The Road of No Return.

Is it me or is the weather really hot and whacky the last couple of days. The mercury has shot passed 30 degrees over past three days although there was a downpour resulting in flashflooding just prior to the insanely warm weather.

Came by an article two days ago that warns of the impending danger that is about to befall the Third Rock from the Sun, the very place we call home...Earth. We have scanned the skies and peered to the very edge of the known Universe (200 over billions stars and more than 12 billion light years of space), yet we have yet to find life in its abundance as we have existing right here.
Hey, but who cares right? We seemd to be more concerned and preoocupied about who has the bigger home, sleeker car or stronger god!

It doesn't matter where you are or what your beliefs are...pick up the papers and the headlines says its all. Acts of war committed in the name of justice and fairness but really a guise for wealth and strategic advantage, confused and corrupt leaders, environmental degredation, lack of love for the common good of all and man kiling man in the name of god and righteousness. If it were up to me, all if not 99% of Humanity is screwed up and not worthy to inherit God's precious gift of life and immortality.
So we go on doing what we do best...ignore the obvious and carrying on indulging in our own selfish wants. However, I strongly believe that a time will come (sooner that we think) that all will be revealed with everything coming full circle. For those who have ears to listen and eyes to see...take heed to the signs of the time. Till that day comes, I shall try to live life to its fullest with as little regret.

....Spread love not hate, spread joy not tears.....
To none I wish ill but to all I wish peace and love.

Thursday, 14 August 2008

The Joy Of My Life

It was alomst five years ago (in about six hours time) that God worked a miracle in my life. This miracle taught me more of how boundless love can be and how precious life is. In the hustle bustle of my daily life, I hope that I will be able to provide her the care, love, attention, guidance and security.. to be a worthy father and a true friend to her.
I pray that God will allow me time, time to she as she continues her journey through life. My prayer for her on her special day is that she will be able to live to its fullest and be an example of God's love here on Earth.

Happy birthday Kyra Elizabeth Carvalho, may God keep you safe and warm in His love, always.

......Amor Est Vitae Essentia.....

To none I wish ill but to all I wish peace and love.

Tuesday, 12 August 2008

Stopping To Smell The Sweet Scent of Life

Stopped by to see an old friend of mine who runs a small but quaint nursery. Chatted for a while about the weather and family but found the last part of the conversation rather interesting. Though being an old schooled Chinese bloke, his description of what it means to 'care and nurture' his garden hit the nail spot on.

He may have expressed himself in uncertain terms but I understood what he meant. What he saw in his plants were not merely decorative ornamental moveables or innate objects but living entities..every single one of them.

It was my comment that sparked his simple yet profound response. I said that it must be nice being able to run a nursery. He retorted that my question one often asked by many. To this, came his reply, '..many people say that it must be good for my health and good for my eye sight to be doing manual while surrounded be greenery. Ayiah, but they don't know that a lot of hard at times.' He must has seen the incredulous look on my face at his reply and continued before I could utter my confusion at his reply.

Then it became clear that he was referring to the worry he has to endure when some of his plants are not sold. He said that he feels sorry for those left behind and that puts pressure on him to tend them with greater care so as to ensure that they will look lively enough to attract the attention of a potential customer.

It was then that it dawned on me that he was somewhat referring to the age old English adage...'talking to your plants to make them grow healthier.' It is something which I totally agreed with him because, like him, I too believe that a plant is a living entity that responses not only to its natural surroundings but emotional as well.

This was the simple beauty of life that I cherish. Both of us, separated by age, culture, beliefs and education yet being able to arrive at the same conclusion that there is 'life' in every living things, a life that must be respected and cared for...even in a humble plant. What more then of God's other creation!

It is sad that most of us are blinded by superficiality of the material world, getting so caught up in the rat race and our own egoistical self. That is the reason why I choose to stop and smell the roses once in awhile, to remind me to see God in all.

So here's some simple photos of very exotic orchids that exuberates with the colorful splendor of life.

......O curas hominum! O quantum est in rebus inane......

To none I wish ill but to all I wish peace and love.

Sunday, 10 August 2008

Thankful For The Little Blessings

Its so hillarious, the folly of men. Everyone has an agenda, an angle..some sort of self interest, be monetray, power, ego, political or religious. From global politics, the control of oil to who's to blame for the rapid decline of the Earth's environment. Its all the same to me....the large portion of the human race. We gripe, we compare, we complain, we lust for more but never really able to satisfy our greed and absorbtion with one's ownself. Hilarious to me because we are mere mortals who lives are a mere drop in the vastness of eternity yet we choose to live as gods.

It took a 'missing' 13-year-old boy and a fire at a village that brought home once again my sense of thankfulness and gratefulness at the little blessings and miracles in my life. The missing boy was mostly likely not missing but chose his own precept of freedom. Freedom from a broken and fatherless home dominated by a mother who is rarely around in his life and having admitted to have given up his three younger siblings to an orphanage. Or a 41-year-old mother with nine children to feed and to find her home completely razed to the ground. What a life...true yet tragic. I offer only my prayer that the boy and the mother find comfort, peace and compassion in their hour of despair and need.

So I choose not to complain or to gripe but rather count the little blessings I have in my life. No matter how small or no matter how insignificant they may be, I am thankful for what I have and the life I have been given. For those who have enriched my life and to those who have shown me the joy of being human, I am forever grateful.

.......Mater Memento Mori.......

To none I wish ill but to all I wish peace and love.

Thursday, 7 August 2008

Things That Go Bump In The Night

Its said that we all see what we want to see and that the power of the mind is an awesome thing we still haven't fully grasp. In my opinion, that's very true for the recent run in with people and news reportings of things that go bump in the night.

About a week ago, a 7-11 worker asked me if I had read and seen the accompanying photograph of a purported ghost in a local Malay tabloid while I was getting my customary two packs of Dunhills. Curiosity got the better of my judgement and I took a look. It was about some bloke who claimed to have photgraphed an apiration.

Coincidentally, several days later, the same tabloid ran a story of some poor 15-year-old kid (the 11th child out of 12 in his family) who went 'missing' from home on two occasions. Though found on both occasions, the kid kept mum as to where he had dissapeared to or what took place.

In his latest Houdini act, the kid was said, as related by his parents, that he was kept 'hidden' by a fairy of Bunian.
As one who believes in logic and reason, I found the accounts rather humorous. Here we are, talking about becoming a nation built on science and conquering space, yet a large portion of us continue to succumb to sheer nonsense.
On one hand, I do not deny that the existence of God or spirituality but I can't accept the two accounts published in the main stream news. If there were such beings, then my question to locals living here is where are the thousands that had been killed throughout Malacca's long and somewhat violent history?

Ironic, but we don't have to go that far to be able to see 'ghosts' or evil. In my opinion, the real devil lies within man himself and we only have to look hard at ourselves in the mirror to see its reflection.

My believe lies in my faith, faith that my God is truly Almighty and that there is none above Him. He is my rock and defender and in Him alone shall I put my trust in.

.......Dominus Illuminatio Mea......

To none I wish ill but to all I wish peace and love.

Monday, 4 August 2008

Signs of the Times

Prophetic books and materials have always held a fascination for me. From biblical and other religious sources to so called modern day seers such as St. Malachi, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce and Jeanne Dixon, the epoch of the end of our civilization as we know it is one that I find most intriguing.

I suppose it stems from reading of man's past. Based on scientifc studies and data, we, so called homo sapiens, really began to claw our way out of darkness to the light of knowledge shortly after the last ice-age about 12,000 years ago. It was roughly about 7,000 years ago that we mastered the art of cultivation and farming, writing and urban living.
The Sumerians, Egyptians, Greeks, Olmecs, Chinese and Indians are amongst those that have a legacy that still reveberates through history. Yet on a geological time scale of things, we have been around a mere fraction of a second compared the age of Earth and its former creatures that once ruled it. Fancy that!
It was back in 1988/89 that I began keeping track of the happenings that were taking place around the global. This include global political evolution to gradual and almost rapid climate changes. It does seem we have almost reached critical point in our evolution with something momentous about to give way. It doesn't take a rocket scientist or Captian Obvious to tell us that.

At times, I wonder whether it is a blessing to be living generation that is likely see the coming upheavals. I suppose its like the half empty or half full glass of water, depending on which way you view it. As for me, its a question of faith and the believe that everything happens, not by random chance, but for a cosmic and divine reason.

So till that fateful day comes....I shall love and live life to its fullest with as little regret, to soak in as much beauty life has to offer as though it was the last day here on Earth. Have you hugged a loved one today or merely appreciate the simple beauty of a sunset?

............Amor vincit omnia.........

To none I wish il but to all I wish peace and love.

Sunday, 3 August 2008

......Veritas Vos Liberabit.....

As a true blue Malaccan of Baba-Nyonya and Portuguese ancestory that goes back almost 500 years, it was certaintly a proud moment when the ancient port city was inscribed as World Heritage Site.

Growing up in a city steeped in history and heritage, I naturally developed a passion for man's past. Many may be familiar with Malacca's history dating back to the Malacca Sultanate Empire in 1400s, the coming of the Portuguese, Dutch and British prior to Independence in the mid 2oth Century.

However, not many know that the city continues to hold some of the most intriguing and unanswered mysterious found not in the pages of the standard school history books but in recorded annals of various writers over the ages who meticulously documented what they witnessed of Malacca.

The blog will take visitors on a journey covering Malacca's mysteries such as unexplained stone alignments and undeciphered stone carvings to strange objects, Freemasons including legends of gold and the possible fabled mines of King Solomon.

From works of Eredia, Sir Roland Braddel, J.V. Mills, Munshi Abdullah, oral accounts of credible local personalities such as Tan Sri Aziz Tapa including personal interviews and treks to various sites, the blog presents the facts as they are without conclusion but merely a personal opinion.

It is hoped that these postings over time would lead to a quest for a better understanding of the mysteries. The like minded are welcome to share their thoughts and to shed more light on the Malacca's past.

To none I wish ill but to all I wish peace and love.

A White Stone or Black Stone Day....

Thank God for small wonders. Had a hard time trying to upload photos taken during the state's World Heritage Day celebrations including accessing Yahoo. Guess now I know why my much younger collegues (who are light years ahead of and old fart like me with regard to computers, blogging and the world of cyberspace) term streamyx..snailmyx instead. So much for the hallabaloo over out country's broadband capabilities compared the more advanced countries in the region.
Just some food for thought. If I am not mistaken, the Greeks had a unique way of recording the level of happiness and contentment of a person's day. Each home kept a large jar which was filled with either a white stone or black one. The white stone represented a good day while a black stone, a bad one. At the end of each day, an appropriate stone was dropped into the jar, depending on whether it was a good day or otherwise. At the year's end, the jar would be emptied and the person would separate the stones and count them to determine if he or she had a relatively good year or a bad one. Neat ya....a personal happiometer.

It was certaintly a white stone day for me, being a lazy Sunday. Finished the household chores which I set out to do. (vacuuming, mopping and of course washing the layers of dust, grim and bird pooh off my trusted 13 year-old Proton). Even managed to take my on and only handfull of a daugther (five this coming August 15) for a good dip in the pool.

Though the sun has set, there still some time left for my own quiet time with my guitar. Just me and my music (going try some James Taylor and see what Pintukopak thinks and whether it will be pirated)

Definitely a white stone day for me...hope it was for others too.

To none I wish ill but to all I wish peace and love.

Friday, 1 August 2008

Washing Away The Dust Of The Soul......

What a day...another chapter in Malacca's long and illustrious history. Spend the entire night till way pass midnight at the heart of the ancient city's centre working to cover the launch of the celebrations to mark its inscription as a World Heritage Site.

Feet hurts like heck and prespired a bucket of sweat in the sweltreing heat but still had a memorable time. Managed to take a few shots (actually tons but only few turned out decent enough for keepsake)/

Shoes are off, in my sarong and just chilling out with some of my favourites ballads ( Bread, Bill Withers, Jim Croce, Chicago, Billy Joel) and before crashing. Read somewhere that music washes away the dust in the true.

Back to the incessant heat over the past few days...all I can say is the term global warming is no more an abstract term but a reality that can be felt and seen. Have been keeping track of the weather and even the common Joe on the street will attest that its going off sync.

That brings me to the recent vector borne diseases that have been plaguing several states. Incidents of Chikukunya and Dengue viral infections have been on an alarming rise recently. Just today, two collegues have had a friend and family member were warded for dengue. Pray they recover. Experts have predicted that there will be a rise in vector borne diseases corresponding with global warming. The alarm bells have been ringing for years now..yet we have ignored them and gone back to sleep to the obvious.

So much for the folly of men...fighting, grabbing and jockeying for power and position when it really all comes to naught owing our mortality. All it takes is a humble mosquito and a virus to bring home how frail life is.

So, live life to its fullest with as little regrets. Take one day at a time don't forget to spread some kindness and love around....the world we live in today can surely use some of it.

To none I wish ill but to all I wish love and peace.