Have several things to blog about but will only do so when time permits. Just thought I post this photo which I took at dusk on Saturday.
Was on the way home after covering Malaysian Nature Society's annual Raptor Watch Week in Tanjung Tuan and had swung by Pondok Kempas, Negeri Sembilan to take a few shots of one of the most mysterious megaliths in Malaysia.
Was driving towards the city at about 6.55pm along Tanjung, near Pantai Kundor when a bright glare cuaght my eye from the rear view mirror. It was this really odd looking shimmering cloud in the sky.
Pulled the car to the side of the road and took several shot my G9 before the cloud dissipated. Got home and showed my nephews and bro-in-law who were down for the weekend. Though it was merely a cloud, it did look like a UFO. Even So, it was one of the weirdest cloud I have ever seen.
To None I Wish Ill But To All I Wish Peace and Love.
Was on the way home after covering Malaysian Nature Society's annual Raptor Watch Week in Tanjung Tuan and had swung by Pondok Kempas, Negeri Sembilan to take a few shots of one of the most mysterious megaliths in Malaysia.
Was driving towards the city at about 6.55pm along Tanjung, near Pantai Kundor when a bright glare cuaght my eye from the rear view mirror. It was this really odd looking shimmering cloud in the sky.
Pulled the car to the side of the road and took several shot my G9 before the cloud dissipated. Got home and showed my nephews and bro-in-law who were down for the weekend. Though it was merely a cloud, it did look like a UFO. Even So, it was one of the weirdest cloud I have ever seen.
To None I Wish Ill But To All I Wish Peace and Love.
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