2009 marks the 500th anniversary of the coming of the Portuguese to the East following the arrival of Lopez De Sequiera and his fleet of four naus (Portuguese ships) in Spetember 1509. They were the first Europeans to reach the Far East that would eventually change the course of global history.
Ironically, accompanying the fleet was mariner Fernandand Megallen who would also play a role in shaping maritime history via his quest to sail round the world. (Magellan never completed his quest as he was killed off Phillipines. It was in fact his slave named Henry the Black or Panglima Awang from Malacca who is said to be the one who completed the epic voyage around the globe).
The arrival of the Portuguese is seen by some as marking the end of the 15th Century Malacca Sultante Empire and the start of colonialism of Asia by western maritime powers beginning in the 16th Century. All said and done, I would not be posting this blog or enjoying the best of East and West if not for coming of the Portuguese. ( oops.. not 'coming' as in being responsible for sowing his seeds here). There is much debate whether my ancestors were 'white' Portuguese or in fact African or Indian slaves who had converted when captured by the Portuguese fleet while on its journey here. (A visit to Portuguese Settlement here and you will get what I mean).
As to having the best of both worlds, being half Portuguese descent and the other half Malacca straits born Chinese has allowed to view things slightly different and more tolerant towards life in general.
Just hope that my seeds will be around for the next 500 years to come...hmm rather hard with only one kid to my name....lol.
To None I Wish Ill But To All I Wish Peace and Love.
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