Another week gone by another week older. Work was work with bowling being the highlight of the week. Well, bowling may have been around for the longest time but it was something alien when growing up in Malacca in the 1980s. When the game made its intorduction here in the early 1980s, most us were either involved in other sporting activities such as football, hockey or swimming.
I was, for the most part of my schooling days, blowing my trumpet (excuse the pun but I still do it till today) in the cadet band and had little time left except for a little hockey and cricket. There were of course also time for playing in mud at the mangrove swamp near my home or alone by the seawall with my guitar during the nights. Life was much simpler and innocent then with most things were done without a fee, of course.
So in essence, I would say that I would be aptly termed, as the Chinese would say, a 'Sua Ku' or country bumpkin. What a laugh...because I still am in many respect, in particular where the world of cyberspace is concerned.
Back to the bowling. It was organized by my journalist buddies here. Managed to skip the last two outings but decided to have a crack this time round. It had been years (no kidding) that I last bowled or should I correctly say 'bounced' the ball along the lane. All I remembered about the game was that the balls were f#*king heavy. It was even harder for me with me having thick and broad fingers (proud to day that's not all that is broad and thick on my body). This forced me to opt for the 13 to 14 pounders. But alas, it never helped, those bigger balls. (proud to say that I would aptly fit the the pun 'you got big balls'). I remember well the excruxiating pain each time I tried to get the balls of my fingers only to see them roll into the gutter.
Well, back to the present game on Saturday. I was paired off with my ever gusty colleague Alison, a tough but big hearted person. And what a pair we made. Anyway, thought to myself...' hard can it be to roll and bounce a f#*king heavy ball at nine dick shaped looking bottles?' Answer....f#*king hard. Wearing a tight pair of jeans and not being able to bend for 'style' due to a bad spine didn't help either.
For the better part of the game, I kept the gutter along the lanes clean with my big balls although managing a couple of strikes and spares. To added insult to injury, there was a prize giving ceremony later including one for the pair with the lowest pinfalls. Needless to say, I was so relieved when it was the pair next to us that got the prestigious title. Phew....
Now I know why I will remain a 'Sua Ku' where bowling in concerned. Will still go for a game or two once in a while just for laughs though. So, I think I''ll stick to my guitar and G9 instead of bouncing some heavy balls instead. (except mine of course)
To None I Wish Ill But To All I Wish Peace and Love.
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