Wonder of anyone still remember the compilation of short songs titled the 'Hits of 45' that depicted a bald man with headphones? It was back in the early 1980s when the cassette version became a big hit. (for the benefit of those born in then, the Sony Walkman was the in gadgets of the day, compareble to today's version of MP3 players or Ipods though much larger and cumbersome)
Of all the songs there were two that I remember particularly well. They were 'Eve of Destruction' and "Its The End Of The World As We Know It'. How strange that the wordings of the songs carry with them very real meaning for our generation and for those who are unfortunate enough to be alive within the next decade or so.
As mentioned in previous postings, we, the human race as a whole irrespective of color, creed or class, are in for one big nasty ride. The signs of impending catastrophies are present with the alarm bells and red flashing lights sounding and flashing for all to see and hear.
But how have we responded to it all? If you ask me...nil. We are still grabing, pushing and shoving as usual. Still politiking, figthing and killing as usual too. Materialism is at its all time high with spiritualism, morality and decency almost dead and forgotten.
There is a great urge and a welling in me to scream out in anguish at the present apathy and indefference we seem to have despite the signs. However, the blindness and deafness of mankind makes perfect sense.
...For as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. In (those) days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day that Noah entered the ark...
For those who are blind and deaf, there is nothing much one can do. All the signs and warnings will continue to go unheeded as what is to come will surely come to pass.
Rather than getting embroiled the folly of man and pettiness of the present world, I shall enjoy life as best as I can with as little regret and find peace and comfort within myself.
To None I Wish Ill But To All I Wish Peace And Love.
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